
楼主:supertitan2013 字数:238266字 评论数:2637条评论 帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖
@人间处处有胖神 2018-11-28 07:13:43

supertitan20132018-11-29 00:27:32 发布在 海外华人
supertitan20132018-11-29 00:30:15 发布在 海外华人


A story about Harvard University library

Harvard University was founded in 1636. It is the oldest and also considered the best university in USA. Among many possible reasons that make it the best, Harvard University only admits a fixed, small number (1650) of new freshman students each year. [Many universities in China consider the increase of freshman students each year as a measure of improvement in quality/reputation.] The following story may tell us something else why the university is good.

Harvard University has the second largest library (system) in USA (next to the Library of Congress). The establishment of Harvard University in 1636 was not related to Harvard. However, a rich guy named John Harvard died in 1638 and he donated all the books and manuscripts he collected to the university. As a result, the university had its first library. The university also had its name: Harvard University. That first university library was in a building named “Harvard Hall”.

At that time, library books were not allowed to be checked out by either professors or students. Readers had to stay in the library to read and to make notes.

Harvard Hall caught a big fire in 1764. Everything in the building was burned to ashes. Harvard University lost its first library. Harvard University lost all the books of its first library ....... Harvard University also lost all the portraits of John Harvard that were kept in the university library. It had been more than 125 years since John Harvard died. Nobody knew how John Harvard looked like when the university decided to erect a statue for John Harvard because all his portraits had been burned with the library books. Therefore, the current statue standing in Harvard University campus had nothing to do with John Harvard but is only a symbol of him.

Harvard University lost all the books of its first library except one. There was one book escaped such a tragedy. At the day of that fire, a student took a book from the library to his dormitory to read it overnight because he was going to have the final examination in the following day and really had to finish reading that book. A day after the big fire, the student brought that book to the University president and explained to the president how that book was escaped from the fire. The university president said: Thank you, thank you so much for saving the only book left for the university library. But you are also expelled from the university for you have violated the university rule.

The student was expelled from the Harvard University. An artifact of that book is still in display in one of the Harvard University libraries.


supertitan20132018-11-30 04:34:31 发布在 海外华人
@好满足 2018-11-30 07:16:03

supertitan20132018-12-01 00:26:48 发布在 海外华人
我儿子的基本医学专业是麻醉(anesthesia),他的进一步专长是病痛处理(pain management)。儿子说又收到并接受了州律师协会的一个邀请,让他给州里的诉讼律师作一个讲座,介绍“病痛处理”方面的基本知识及最新的一些进展。那些诉讼律师经常会有一些身体受伤的客户。因伤痛而引起的赔偿自然与伤痛的程度相关了。到底是大伤痛,小伤痛还是可能的假伤痛其实应该从医学的角度(而并不仅仅根据客户自己的描述)来介定会更客观和有说服力。他说这一讲座应该非常有利于他未来病员库的扩充。那些律师会倾向于把自己的受伤客户介绍到我儿子那里去,呵呵。
supertitan20132018-12-03 05:20:21 发布在 海外华人
@人间处处有胖神 2018-12-03 08:43:04
专业人士其实也需要像个business man一样的运作。

supertitan20132018-12-04 02:06:05 发布在 海外华人
@abcd20092011AB 2018-12-05 07:24:58

supertitan20132018-12-05 10:29:52 发布在 海外华人


On Scientists vs Artists

It is a truth universally acknowledged that scientists and artists frequently debate on the subject of science vs art. They often cannot get along with each other very well because they have fundamentally different views on the world. One famous example was the view on the beauty of a flower by the physicist Richard Feynman who was the Nobel Prize recipient. He once said the following quotes that were widely cited to describe the shallowness of artists (Feynman 1988, p. 11):

I have a friend who’s an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don’t agree with very well. He’ll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I’ll agree. But then he’ll say "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing." I think that he’s kind of nutty.
First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I might not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is, I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. But at the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I can imagine the cells inside, which also have a beauty. There’s beauty not just at the dimension of one centimeter; there is also beauty at a smaller dimension.
There are the complicated actions of the cells, and other processes. The fact that the colors in the flower have evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; that means that insects can see the color. That adds a question: does this aesthetic sense we have also exist in lower forms of life? There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts.

Feynman, R. P., 1988: “What Do You Care What Other People Think?” Further Adventures of a Curious Character. Penguin Books Canada Ltd, Ontario, 255 pp.

In my opinion, Richard Feynman did not fully understand artists and thus his view on artists was thus incomplete. It is generally believed that there are often two different kinds of world in the mind of an artist: a realistic world and an imaginary world. In each of those two worlds there must be different aspects of beauty that can be appreciated. What Richard Feynman demonstrated in his quotes was that a scientist generally was able to appreciate more aspects of beauty of a flower than an artist in the realistic world that can be seen and exists. However, he totally missed the imaginary world in which various aspects of beauty can further be greatly appreciated in the mind of an artist. In other words, Richard Feynman missed one half of the whole beauty of a flower that can only be appreciated by an artist who is able to live not only in a realistic world but also in an imaginary world. :)
supertitan20132018-12-07 07:13:28 发布在 海外华人


Not really, how do you know that scientists do not have an imaginary world? You cannot just classify them by their occupation. Imagining, creating skills are essential for making scientific breakthrough. You cannot determine whose imaginary world is more valuable. If Feynman's imagination about inside cells of flower is incomplete then the artist's imagination of the flower is the same. Anyway, maybe scientists are able to imagine something not related to the realistic world as well.

supertitan20132018-12-07 07:20:00 发布在 海外华人
@雨季1430 2018-12-07 12:17:12

supertitan20132018-12-07 21:36:42 发布在 海外华人
@abcd20092011AB 2018-12-05 07:24:58
@supertitan2013 2018-12-05 10:29:52在我上面的叙述中用了“原则上”一词。不少情形需具体分析。比如,大学文科专业(如英语系)的教授工资很低。他们写小说、散文获得的稿酬则主要就归自己的收入了。关键要点是办公司等的经营活动所需的资源(专利、资料、工具等)源自何处?美国私立大学的不少科研项目也是政府资助的,那是纳税人的钱,由之衍生出的成果或结果原则上也属于纳税人(及学校)。此外,通常若学校也参与到公司的创办过程中去,则一般不会有法律问题。也还存在另一可能:有人到美国短期旅游,看到好几个人开(跑)车超快,感到很危险,但从没看到警察给人开罚款单,就认为在美国开车是没有限速这一法规的,开跑车是可以任意超速的。

supertitan20132018-12-08 00:35:21 发布在 海外华人
@人间处处有胖神 2018-12-10 06:45:08




Eric (2007年)






Yu Cheng 开除
Yu (Harry) Huang 开除
Hua (Dianthe) Jin 开除
Shen Lu 开除
Jun (Kevin) Qin 开除
Degang (Kendall) Shen 开除
Dan (Chelsea) Wei 开除
Hua (Stella) Zhang 开除
Hanlan (Angela) Fu 停学一年
Wei (Vealla) Sun 停学一年
Jingxiu (Kane) Zhang 停学一年
Lin Zheng 停学一年
Pingfan (Elle) Zhou 停学一年
Di Wu 重修课程
Qian (Harry) Wang 重修课程
Chunning (Christine) Yang 重修课程
Yong Yang 重修课程
Jizhi (Justin) Yao 重修课程
Hongmiao (Hugo) Zhao 重修课程


supertitan20132018-12-10 08:15:28 发布在 海外华人
Go, get married, now!
(1) In addition to love, there are responsibilities involved in a marriage. Both the personal and societal responsibilities bonded by a marriage are legal. There are different aspects of pros and cons on the marriage responsibilities. Overall, responsibilities are beneficial to both parties unless one party is extremely rich.
(2) If you decide to have child(ren) right after marriage you will soon experience and enjoy another very important aspect of one’s life. One’s life is incomplete without experiencing growing up with his/her child(ren) together. Earlier marriage brings not only an earlier enjoyment of such a very special aspect of life but also a definitely longer one.
(3) No love lasts forever. Therefore, it is worth considering to grasp it, use it and convert it (into a marriage) before it is gone. People sometimes say: “marriage is a tomb of love”. The word “tomb” is clearly too pessimistic. An appropriate word should be “conversion”. Marriage can convert one kind/style of love into a different one.
(4) Go, get married, now!
In a broad sense, marriage is very similar to financial investment. It requires both the effort and luck with the best or a good outcome not always guaranteed. It demands long-term patience to see a significant result. It needs to look at the overall portfolio rather than individual fund performance, i.e., individual merits or shortcomings. It also craves for constant nurturing or attention to make necessary adjustments to the overall portfolio.
And finally, we come to the major point of this advice: an earlier investment usually brings better or more opportunities. Your reward will be tremendous if you succeed in an earlier investment. Well, you get another or more chances if you are unlucky and failed initially. :P
Me: Mini, I agree with you and, in fact, you will also find that your view is in complete agreement with my view on this issue once you give more thoughts on the meaning of “幸福”. The happiness and the fulfillment of one’s life or the couple’s life cannot always be described abstractly but must be felt and measured by daily activities. If the marriage can help the couple both to realize their goals and dreams they should feel happy. If the marriage can bring the couple new enjoyment of life (say, growing up with their child) they should feel happy again. Of course, there are many more that will bring happiness to you through marriage and you will not be able to know and learn those until you get married.
At old times, people’s marriages were usually arranged by their parents. At that time, most girls were well trained and good at diligence (勤) such as cooking nice meals, washing and ironing clothing, etc. before their marriages. Girls had no passion (情) to their future husbands before their marriages because they had no idea what their husbands looked like before getting married. However, the girls’ good diligence of taking a good care of their husbands helped them to build good families, earn their respects, and finally develop passion with their husbands (勤到深处,由勤生情)。
Nowadays, many girls are spoiled by their parents and they usually do not know how to cook good meals or how to clean house, etc. before their marriages. They often emotionally think about passion, such as how to use a drop of water to change a pair of eyes into a blue sky, etc. before their marriages. Many girls are getting married now solely based on passion, deep passion, or deeply passionate love. After getting married, some of the girls find their husbands better than they originally expected. So, they are determined to build a good family with even greater passion and they start to learn how to cook good meals, how to ...... etc. (情到深处,由情生勤)。
supertitan20132018-12-10 11:48:54 发布在 海外华人

How to Turn Your Good Boyfriend into Husband (or)
How to Keep Your Good Husband Away from Mistress (小三)
supertitan20132018-12-12 11:43:14 发布在 海外华人
USA high school education
In USA, there are many examples that students get perfect scores in their college entrance exams and yet are declined by top universities.
Generally speaking, the college entrance exams only weight 1/3 (to less than 1/2) of the decision making whether students will be admitted by top universities. The rest are generally composed as follows:
The average grades of the entire high school study will weight additional 1/3. The high school grades often consist of large portions of essay writing, (science) report writing, experiments, group projects, etc. In other words, the high school curricula are not designed solely for the college entrance exams.
The rest 1/3 mainly consist of the extra curriculum activities such as sports, music and arts, or community service, or special talent in one particular field such as math, biology, etc.
The last two parts contain certain subjectivity (rather than objectivity), which makes them difficult to be implemented in some countries. In USA, transcripts from high schools AND recommendation letters from high school teachers carry the integrity and reputation of the high schools and teachers (and therefore can be trusted). Also, most students admitted by top universities will be interviewed by the personnel from the University admission office and/or the university alumni spread around the country. In other words, each and every freshman student admitted by top universities will generally be carefully examined and weighted from different aspects.
USA high school students are also very busy (they are often the busiest group in a family) except that, perhaps, they are busy in a different style. They usually do not hate their studies and school activities.
supertitan20132018-12-16 00:59:30 发布在 海外华人

Hxong(2003/11/25 04:39am):

stream(2003/11/25 07:07am):
supertitan20132018-12-16 01:04:42 发布在 海外华人


Encounter with two gals at 上外

Many people know the following story of Albert Einstein (爱因斯坦) encountering with a group of youngsters:
Toward the end of his life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he said: "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it's only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it's two hours. That is relativity."

Let me tell a story about gals and relativity. I was once in a foreign language institute for a short period where most students were females and had little training in science. Once, while waiting on a long line for (buying) the lunch, I saw two girls in dining hall trying to weigh themselves. One said: it appears that I am losing some weight these days. The other said: you should not be in a squatting position while weighing yourself, which makes you lighter. You had better stand up and let me read the scale for you.

I then explained to them that there was no difference in weight regardless how their posture was. ............ then they asked me to explain to them the physical meaning of the above paragraph on the relativity after they learnt that I was very good at math and physics and was also interested in Einstein's relativity. I said, that paragraph was only a humor, a joke, or a story for making fun. No, no, they said. They insisted that that paragraph was the physics, the philosophy, and a great thought. Why? Because that paragraph was excerpted from an article they were studying. The title of that article was: "Simple Habits, Deep Thought" taken from "American Men of Science and Invention" (Did you note the words "Thought" and "Science" here?). Furthermore, the paragraph after the above one started as follows:

Einstein had an effect on science and history that only a few men have ever achieved. An American university president once commented: "Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. It may be some generations before the average mind grasps the identity of time and space and so on ......"

They said that both paragraphs look like philosophy, sound like philosophy, and therefore it must be philosophy. It is generally believed that philosophy only needs dialectic/quibbling arguments [such as "a white horse is not a horse”, “nothing leads to one, one leads to two, two leads to three,......", etc.] but not a serious math-physics deliberation or proof. I really did not want to hurt their feelings (they look nice too) and, most importantly, the line was getting shorter and it was my turn to get my lunch. Therefore, I said: "THAT IS REALLY VERY INTERESTING!"

supertitan20132018-12-25 23:10:08 发布在 海外华人
@supertitan2013 2018-12-25 23:10:08
Encounter with two gals at 上外

supertitan20132018-12-26 08:07:18 发布在 海外华人
supertitan20132019-01-05 23:52:31 发布在 海外华人

例子二:我儿子医学院毕业后、开始住院医生工作前的那一个夏天,同他中学的一个(白人男)好同学一起去欧洲(驾车)旅游两周。那同学高中毕业后去了不同的大学,上了不同的医学院,又被不同的名牌大学医学院入取了住院医生(那同学去了宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania)。在欧洲的旅游途中,他们就顺道拜访了那同学的叔叔,他是美国驻欧洲某国的大使。那天晚上使馆刚好有招待宴会,我儿子与他同学也被盛情邀请(还专门借给了他们西装、领结等)。那同学的叔叔非常自豪有这两位贵客也来参加宴会:那可是美国名牌大学医院的医生啊!这可是千军万马争闯独木桥的骄骄者啊!这可比他的那个大使强多了。那大使原来是一个卖汽车的车行老板。在欧巴马(Obama)竞选美国总统期间,他全力支持并真金实银地捐款了20多万美元来支持欧巴马竞选。欧巴马当选为美国总统之后,除了政府各部部长之外,各国大使也都由他来(重新)指派。同学叔叔也算是竞选有功之人。他就去了欧洲那国做大使,过过做政府公务员的瘾。据他们了解说,美国各大使馆的一些具体的实际对外事务,主要还是由副大使负责,副大使们不常替换。
supertitan20132019-01-07 12:39:03 发布在 海外华人