谁帮我翻译一下这封信啊 谢了

楼主:laoyao523 字数:3565字 评论数:2条评论 帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖
Hey Honey..
Just want to let you know how great full i am to have you in my life..i really can't wait to be with you so we can spend time together..I can't believe i could fall in love again.I guess i fell inlove with you because you are the right one and seems to have the Qualities i want in a man.i feel so good having you in my life and i promise to always keep it real with you and will never let you down and i hope you do the same as well..I am answering back the Questions i asked you and i hope you'll like my answers..
1.My relationship with God is improving day by day. It's a process. I talk to him like he's my best friend and I pray to him because he's my Father in heaven
2.What do I believe spirtually?I believe that god was Jesus manifested in the flesh and he came down to the earth and lived among us ( John 1:1-2, John 1:14) and lived a perfect life free from sin. I believe that he was crucified and rose again the third day (2 Corinthians5:14-15) and later ascended into heaven (John 3:13-18) I believe that the only way to God is through Jesus as John 14:6 says. I believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and that all the things that were performed in the bible are still applicable for today since he remains the same. That would include performing miracles, Casting demons out of people etc. (Let me know if you need the scripture for that Casting demons out) We are his vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7-12) and we can chose to let the Lord use us as his vessels or we can choose to let the advesary use us as his vessel. Ephesians 6:11-12 or 13 states that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but
agains principalitites, powers, dark forces and so on and so on. I believe that when we accept Jesus into our hearts as our Lord and savior and repent of our sins that he forgives us and at that point we are given the gift of eternal life with him after we leave this earth. ( John 3:16 )
Well, I guess that answers my own questions. Tell me you opinion about that answers to those question I just answered, if you don't mind.
3.My pet peeves- I do not like loud and obnoxious people, or people who degrade other people because they are'nt as fortunate as someone else, I despise bullies who pick on people who can't defend themselves. I don't like people who constantly lie.
4.My birthday is Dec 12th
5. One of my dreams is to be in your arms some day
6.How do I handle anger? If I'm mad I'll try to think before I speak because I have to be careful of the words that come out of my mouth. The bible says that life and death are in the tongue. I don't like to argue even though sometimes you can't avoid it. I prefer to discuss it in a civil way without strangling each other.
7.If I was mad at you how would you know? If I was extremely angry I would tell you that I need to calm down before I talk about it. If I was just angry I'd say something like "that really hurt me or made me upset when you did this or
8. I don't have a lot of stress in my life at all unless I allow someone to come in and stress me.The stress i know i have right now is making sure that i get back home in good condition.
9.I'm comfortable in casual clothes. And I do like my jeans
10.I attend church every Sunday and Wednesday 11. My talents---- God has given me the gift to communicate with deaf individuals.I'm conversational with American sign Language.
12 What are your dislikes?LIARS
13.I will always treat my man like my baby even if thing turn out bad.
Baby i hope i answered well..write me back and let me know..I love you.

laoyao5232010-01-30 22:22:00 发布在 娱乐八卦