
楼主:人在旅途2011a 字数:2656字 评论数:20条评论 帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖
第一条是去年拼命宣传的FREE RETURN,也就是说客户只要改主意了,任何原因都可以由卖家承担运费而退货。而西方国家的运费又往往贵得吓死人。他们告诉店家,在你的商品里带上这个条款吧,绝大部分客人购买产品后是不会提这种要求的。

人在旅途2011a2020-01-31 08:24:53 发布在 海外华人
@桑田岛 2020-02-08 13:23:59
对比EBAY 感觉亚马逊更无情些

人在旅途2011a2020-02-14 13:14:01 发布在 海外华人
人在旅途2011a2020-02-14 14:35:54 发布在 海外华人
人在旅途2011a2020-02-14 14:36:53 发布在 海外华人
上周末收到ebay的一封邮件,意思是将会出台措施,帮助网络店家。昨天定下心来仔细阅读。发现居然没有任何减免,只不过允许店家可以推迟付款。唯一减免的是上传费。不过对于大部分店主来说,上传费,insertion fee,本来就是免费的。

Fee Support for our Sellers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Our buyers and sellers are relying on eBay more than ever right now. We want to make sure we support your business through this difficult time.

Following on from our increased seller protections and making sure your seller standards aren’t impacted, we’re offering eligible eBay Store sellers the option to defer payment of most eBay selling fees.

The covered fees include: final value fees, insertion fees, Store subscription fees, optional listing upgrade fees and Promoted Listings fees. Sellers who participate in our retail promotions will still be required to pay fees related to retail promotions.

If you’re an eBay business seller and could use help with your payments, please submit your request by Saturday 11 April 4:59pm AEST. Please bookmark the submission page and come back to it after 3 business days to check the status of your request.

If your request is approved, 50% of the covered fees on your current invoice will be deferred until the next billing cycle, and the remaining 50% will be deferred until the subsequent billing cycle.

In addition to deferring fees, we’re also offering to waive all insertion fees until 30 June. See details of the free insertion fee offer.

We are continuing to look at ways to sustain your business through these challenging times. Further information about how we’re increasing seller protections can be found on the COVID-19 Seller Centre page.

Please look after yourselves and be safe. Australians need you more than ever right now to get the things they need and love.

Tim MacKinnon---垃圾
VP & Country Manager, eBay Australia
人在旅途2011a2020-04-03 05:51:36 发布在 海外华人
[email protected]
人在旅途2011a2020-11-04 06:40:58 发布在 海外华人